As most of you know I had a show this past weekend...whew...glad is is finally over. After working 3 months on making jewelry and new displays its great to be back in the real world. Even though it gave me a lot of pleasure making all my little trinkets...I would be lying if I said it was all fun and games. My fingers have been hit with a hammer, poked, pinned, stabbed, burned, pinched and if that wasn't enough my arthritis wanted to contribute to its fair share of pain. All for the love of art.
I'm not the kind of person that requires a pat on the back but its nice to hear once and a while, and this weekend I received many kind words on my display and jewelry pieces. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Will I do it again....still thinking about it....there is so many other things that call to me...really need to start on my sculptures...that is where my heart lies...
Oh well sometimes you are on the path to where you want to go and little creatures come and take your hand and try to show you something else. They are so tempting with a soft voice and kind eyes so you decide to go with them on this new path. Sometimes there are many jewels on this path and sometimes all you find is yourself standing in mud. Life has many paths and how do you decide which one to take...I don't think I'll really every know.
All in all it was a great adventure now off to another...
P.S. Photo of display below...